We don’t intend on giving our kids wealth. We want to “Raise Millionaires,” so they can continue our legacy. Check out our podcast we host with our kids and you can hear the very lessons we are trying to instill everyday we can.
We did not grow up with money. in fact, both our parents had us at a very young age, did not go to college, our dads worked blue collar jobs and our moms also worked outside the home just so that we never needed government assistance.
We were the first ones in our immediate family to attend and graduate college. Our parent’s could not afford to pay for our school, but we went anyway. Through grit, determination, real estate investments, entrepreneurship, hundreds of books, hundreds of thousands of poopy diapers (Yep-our first business was a diaper service) and mostly smart decisions :), we have ended up here. We were able to change our path and our legacy after years of trial and error, lots of blood, sweat and tears and amazing people that believed in us.
We are college sweethearts, married since 2005 and have 3 amazing children.