Snacks for Busy Families


If you are like us, you are never home! running all over town for personal errands, the kids’ activities and work. this leads to too many gas station and fast food trips where the kids eat garbage food. We came up with a quick list of foods to stock and for a grab and go situation. They are not necessarily the top-of-the-line for health, but they are better than fast food!

  • Popcorn

  • Mixed Nuts

  • Fresh Fruit; already cut up

  • Dried Fruit

  • Applesauce Packs

  • lunchables

  • Edamame

  • Trail Mix

  • Meat Sticks

  • String Cheese

  • Pre-made egg bites

  • Hard Boiled Eggs

  • mini muffins

  • Homemade energy bites

  • Peanut Butter individual cups to eat with

    • Apples

    • Celery

    • Crackers

    • Banana

  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

  • toast with toppings

    • PB & Banana

    • Pizza sauce & Cheese

    • Avocado

  • pinwheels

  • Fruit dip with fresh fruit

  • Pre-made piglets in a blanket

  • Homemade mini corndog muffins

  • frozen protein pancakes to heat up quick

  • homemade breads: zucchini/pumpkin


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